Welcome to the MobileZoo home page.
We have been visiting schools, attended fun days and parties since 2011 and have never missed a single properly booked function. We travel from Gauteng as far as Freestate, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West Province.
MobileZoo is an interactive fun and learning experience where the audience can learn and interact with some of the animal world's smaller wonders under the strict supervision of an animal specialist at your premises. Most of the animals featured are abandoned pets, rescues, or surrendered and we use these same animals to highlight the pros and cons of keeping these animals as pets. As these were former pets they are accustomed to humans and handling and are not stressed during the presentations. Your safety and the well-being of our animals are a priority thus we do not work with dangerous or highly venomous animals.
We start by teaching the audience (kids and adults equally enjoy and learn) about the basics of selecting suitable pets by providing insight and information about different kinds of animals, where they come from, their lifespan, habits, care, temperament, behavior, interesting facts and myths as well as negative qualities enabling people to make informed decisions before selecting a pet. We also discuss some of the more exotic and interesting animals, insects, and other creatures plus spend some time looking at the dangerous creatures in and around your home and discuss some wild animals that are often kept as pets. For schools, we can cover various themes or create a custom lesson plan to supplement your themes already covered e.g. reptiles, pets, wild animals, dangerous or interesting animals, animal adaptations, etc.
The fact that people can interact with the animals makes this a truly unique experience leaving not only a lasting impression but the information and facts discovered are retained for years. Yes, we allow you to safely touch, smell and hear these animals as a picture in a book does not realistically portray the smell of a monkey cage, the calls of a macaw, or the softness of a chinchilla.
Our awesome creatures also feature in TV series, music videos and films and are available for photoshoots.
Use the events calendar link to see our open dates and time slots. Clicking on the booking will provide more information such as location and time.
Some of the animals featured: We bring all the animals listed unless they are breeding, shedding, hibernating, or when extreme temperatures occur.
- Chinchilla's
- Madagascar Tenrec's
- Albino / North or West African Pygmy Hedgehogs
- Guinea Pigs
- Marmoset Monkey
- Sugar Glider
- Degu
- Polecat or Ferret
Spiders & Scorpions and Crawlies
- Emperor or Rock Scorpions
- Madagascar Giant Hissers
- Tarantulas
- Red Tail Boas
- Dumeril Boas
- Ball Pythons
- Carpet Python
- Bosch Monitor
- Green Iguana
- Bearded Dragons
- Geckos
- Tortoise
- Terrapins
- Veiled Chameleons
One or two of the following:
- Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
- Blue and Gold Macaw
- Scarlet Macaw
- Celestial Parrotlets
- African Grey parrot (Congo)
Other seasonal creatures more for school demos:
- Leaf Insects*
- Centipede*
- Millipede or Chongololo*
- Praying Mantis*
- Frogs*
- Tadpoles*
- Mealworms / Giant worms with pupa and beetle phase
* These animals do not normally travel or may be part of breeding programs or seasonal animals and are not always available.
MobileZoo - Perfect fun for the whole family, pre-schools, schools, and children's parties at your venue! See our products and services for a costing guide or use the contact us option.
Welcome to the MobileZoo home page.
We have been visiting schools, attended fun days and parties since 2011 and have never missed a single properly booked function. We travel from Gauteng as far as Freestate, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West Province.
MobileZoo is an interactive fun and learning experience where the audience can learn and interact with some of the animal world's smaller wonders under the strict supervision of an animal specialist at your premises. Most of the animals featured are abandoned pets, rescues, or surrendered and we use these same animals to highlight the pros and cons of keeping these animals as pets. As these were former pets they are accustomed to humans and handling and are not stressed during the presentations. Your safety and the well-being of our animals are a priority thus we do not work with dangerous or highly venomous animals.
We start by teaching the audience (kids and adults equally enjoy and learn) about the basics of selecting suitable pets by providing insight and information about different kinds of animals, where they come from, their lifespan, habits, care, temperament, behavior, interesting facts and myths as well as negative qualities enabling people to make informed decisions before selecting a pet. We also discuss some of the more exotic and interesting animals, insects, and other creatures plus spend some time looking at the dangerous creatures in and around your home and discuss some wild animals that are often kept as pets. For schools, we can cover various themes or create a custom lesson plan to supplement your themes already covered e.g. reptiles, pets, wild animals, dangerous or interesting animals, animal adaptations, etc.
The fact that people can interact with the animals makes this a truly unique experience leaving not only a lasting impression but the information and facts discovered are retained for years. Yes, we allow you to safely touch, smell and hear these animals as a picture in a book does not realistically portray the smell of a monkey cage, the calls of a macaw, or the softness of a chinchilla.
Our awesome creatures also feature in TV series, music videos and films and are available for photoshoots.
Use the events calendar link to see our open dates and time slots. Clicking on the booking will provide more information such as location and time.
Some of the animals featured: We bring all the animals listed unless they are breeding, shedding, hibernating, or when extreme temperatures occur.
- Chinchilla's
- Madagascar Tenrec's
- Albino / North or West African Pygmy Hedgehogs
- Guinea Pigs
- Marmoset Monkey
- Sugar Glider
- Degu
- Polecat or Ferret
Spiders & Scorpions and Crawlies
- Emperor or Rock Scorpions
- Madagascar Giant Hissers
- Tarantulas
- Red Tail Boas
- Dumeril Boas
- Ball Pythons
- Carpet Python
- Bosch Monitor
- Green Iguana
- Bearded Dragons
- Geckos
- Tortoise
- Terrapins
- Veiled Chameleons
One or two of the following:
- Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
- Blue and Gold Macaw
- Scarlet Macaw
- Celestial Parrotlets
- African Grey parrot (Congo)
Other seasonal creatures more for school demos:
- Leaf Insects*
- Centipede*
- Millipede or Chongololo*
- Praying Mantis*
- Frogs*
- Tadpoles*
- Mealworms / Giant worms with pupa and beetle phase
* These animals do not normally travel or may be part of breeding programs or seasonal animals and are not always available.
MobileZoo - Perfect fun for the whole family, pre-schools, schools, and children's parties at your venue! See our products and services for a costing guide or use the contact us option.
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